torguard settings to share account

Dec 15, 11:00 AM

settings (but not working quite yet) ( / Protocol: TCP / OpenVpn Port: 443 / OpenConnect Port: 22)
Mark ( / Protocol: UDP / OpenVpn Port: 443 / OpenConnect Port: 22)

Mark Edwards



Complete feathers in console

Nov 21, 05:25 AM

Instructions to run feathers completely from console, no coding!

IMPORTANT: open up a new tab “about:blank”

Click to open a new about:blank page.

Load the libraries

/* load in libraries */
[ ''
, '^3.0.0/dist/feathers.js'
].forEach( (src) => {
    let script = document.createElement('script'); 
            // script.setAttribute('crossOrigin',  'anonymous' );  /* optional  */
    script.src =  src;
            // script.type = 'javascript';   /*optional  */
    script.src = src; 
    script.async = false;
    document.head.appendChild(script); // or  document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
alternative method:
/usr/bin/cat <<END  | ncat --listen 80 ;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">
  <script src=''></script>
  <script src='^3.0.0/dist/feathers.js'></script>
  fake webserver page.  include extra jScript code in the console.

initialize constants

/* initialize constants */
const app = feathers();
const socket = io();   /*  defaults to:    const socket = io('ws://localhost:3030');    */
const socket = io('ws://###.###.###.###:3030');   /*if we need to connect to different host */
app.configure(feathers.socketio(socket));     /* PLEASE dont skip this one!!  */
/*   -- or --   */
app.configure(feathers.socketio(io('ws://###.###.###.###:3030')));  /* just combine the last two lines */


/* create(POST) */
async function createTiny(name, address) {
let createResult
      = await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).create({ name: name, address: address });
    console.log(‘createTiny function result: ‘ + JSON.stringify(createResult) );
    return createResult;

createTiny(‘Mark Edwards’, ’123 Swallow Lane’).then((value) => { /* create(POST) */
    console.log(‘createTiny: ‘ + JSON.stringify(value));

get(GET) just one using the primary index

/* get(GET) (just one by index) */ 

async function getTiny(id) {   return await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).get(id);   };
—- or —-
async function getTiny(id) {      
  let getResult = await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).get(id); 
  console.log(‘getTiny function: ‘ + JSON.stringify(getResult) ); 
  return getResult; 
let getTinyResult = null; let key = 1;   // assuming your row ID is one
getTiny(key).then( value => {      /* get(GET) */ 
  getTinyResult = value; 
  console.log(‘getTiny(’ + key + ‘) : ‘ + JSON.stringify(getTinyResult) ); 
/* one line test:  */
(async () => { try { let result = await app.service(‘stimword’).get(1) ; console.log(‘the result is: ‘ + JSON.stringify(result)) } catch (e) { console.log(e); }  } )() ;
/* or:  */
(async () => { let logoutResult = await app.service(‘stimword’).get(2); console.log(logoutResult); })().catch(e => { console.log(e) });

find(GET) all or by query

 /* find(GET) (get all or by query) */ 

async function findTiny(query) { return await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).find(query);
async function findTiny(query) { console.log(‘Query function using: ‘ + JSON.stringify(query) ); let findResult = await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).find(query); console.log(‘findTiny function: ‘ + JSON.stringify(findResult) ); return findResult;
let findTinyResultAll;
findTiny(null).then((value) => { /* find(GET) (find all) */ findTinyResultAll = value; console.log(‘findTiny without query: ‘ + JSON.stringify(findTinyResultAll) );

let findTinyResultOne; let findDataObject = { ‘query’ :{ id: 0}}; // again, assuming your id is zero! findTiny(findDataObject).then((value) => { /* find(GET) (with data ) */ findTinyResultOne = value; console.log(‘findTiny with query: ‘ + JSON.stringify(findTinyResultOne) ); }); /* shortcut examples: */ (async () => { try { let result = await app.service(‘stimword’).find() ; console.log(‘the result is: ‘ + JSON.stringify(result)) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } ) () ; (async () => { try { let result = await app.service(‘stimword’).find({‘query’:{‘stimwordWord’:‘horse’}}) ; console.log(‘the result is: ‘ + JSON.stringify(result)) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } ) () ;

Accessing a KNEX RAW selecxt

                )  'JSON_ARRAYAGG'
const result = await knex.raw( sqlStatement, sqlQuery);
return result[0][0].JSON_ARRAYAGG   ;
var newResult;
(async () => { try { let result = await  app.service('raw-service').find({query: sqlQuery}) ; newResult = result; } catch (e) { console.log(e); }  } )() ;

patch(PATCH) to update row(s)

/* patch(PATCH) */ 

async function patchTiny(id, data, params) { /* patch(PATCH) */ let patchResult = await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).patch(id, data, params); console.log(‘patchTiny function: ‘ + JSON.stringify(patchResult) ); return patchResult;

let patchResult = null; let patchKey = 0; let patchData = {address: ’5678 There Street!’ }; patchTiny(patchKey, patchData ).then( value => { /* patch(PATCH) */ patchResult = value; console.log(‘patchResult: ‘ + JSON.stringify(patchResult)); });

combine create and insert into one promise

async function clientMasterCreate(query) {    
  return await app.service(‘client-master’).create(query); 

async function clientMasterFind(query) { return await app.service(‘client-master’).find( { ‘query’ : query } );
clientMasterObj = { ‘layoutName’ : ‘PESL’ , ‘teacherEmail’ : ‘’ , ‘teacherAutoIncr’ : 385 , ‘clientMasterEmail’ : ‘12yukos@gmail.comX’ };
clientMasterFind(clientMasterObj) .then( (clientMasterRow) => { return clientMasterRow }) .then( (clientMasterRow) => { if ( == 0 ) { return clientMasterCreate(clientMasterObj) .then( (clientMasterRow) => { console.log(‘inserting: ‘ + clientMasterRow.clientMasterAutoIncr ); return clientMasterRow.clientMasterAutoIncr; }) } else { return[].clientMasterAutoIncr; } }) .then ((result) => { console.log(‘clientMasterAutoIncr: ‘ + result)

Mark Edwards



complete feathers knex

Nov 18, 05:58 AM

0 – When server is first initialized

latest node here:
    npm   install -g feathersjs/cli  ;     ###  or    --global
    npm   install feathersjs/cli -g ;    ### for generating apps  (notice g trails…. i think only this one actually works!

    npm   install feathersjs/cli4.8.0 —global  ;     ##  2023-04-19  install a SPECIFIC VERSION!   

    npm   install @feathersjs/feathers —save  ;     ## save is no longer needed  

1 – Initial installations

  systemctl stop firewalld;   ## or just authorize port 3030
  ##   --or---
  firewall-cmd --add-port=3030/tcp ;.
  ##   --- or----
  firewall-cmd --add-port=3030/tcp --permanent   ;
feathers generate app ;         ## notice that NO npm install's are used
feathers generate service ;   
     ## select 'knex' or 'objection' (see below)
     ### connection string should look like this:  "mysql://knexUser:knexPassword@localhost:3306/comptonTransAnlys"
DEBUG=*                  npm start ;   ## test that app starts successfully, optional DEBUG  
DEBUG=knex:query  npm start ;

2 – modify this files


  "paginate": {
    "default": 0,
    "max": 0

3a – modify these files for KNEX

./src/services/tester/tester.class.js – KNEX

      name: 'tableName'    		/* changed this name to reflect the ACTUAL table name */
      , id:  'tableNameAutoIncr'	      /* added this line to reflect the primary key */

./src/models/tester.model.js – KNEX

	module.exports = function (app) {
	  return app.get('knexClient');  /* this is MUCH shorter than original! */

3b – modify these files for OBJECTION

./src/services/tester/tester.class.js – OBJECTION

add actual table name and unique id column name
     model: Model
        ,  'name'  : 'marksTestTable'   ,   'id'  :   'marksTestTableAutoIncr'               // line added by mark!!

./src/models/tester.model.js – OBJECTION

line 8: [specify REAL table name]
     static get tableName() {
       return 'marksTestTable';       // make SURE table name is correct !!  (had to remove underscores)
line 14 old: [specify column names in array]
   required: ['text'], 
line 17 new:
    required: ['columnOne', 'columnTwo'],    /* original:    required: ['text'],  */
line 17 old: [specify column types {type: ‘string’ } { type: ‘number’ } { type: ‘timestamp’} ]
    text: { type: 'string' }
line 17 new:
    'columnOne': { type: 'string' }   , 'columnTwo': { type: 'number' }    /* original:    text: { type: 'string' }  */

line 22: comment out lines: ( or add .slice(0, 19).replace(‘T’, ‘ ‘); to dates.)
    $beforeInsert() {
      /* original:    this.createdAt = this.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString();     */
           // or possibly add this:
            this.createdAt = this.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace(‘T’, ‘ ‘);

    $beforeUpdate() {
      /* original:    this.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString();      */
       // or possibly add this:
        this.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace(‘T’, ‘ ‘);

line 35: [ eliminate the ‘create table’ stuff ]
/* most likely db.schema.createTable can be SKIPPED unless a table actually needs to be created this way!   */
 const db =  app.get('knex');
 db.schema.hasTable('marksTestTable').then(exists => {
    if (!exists) {
             console.error('table marksTestTable  missing!');
                      db.schema.createTable('shit', table => {
        .then(() => console.log('Created shit table')) // eslint-disable-line no-console
        .catch(e => console.error('Error creating shit table', e)); // eslint-disable-line no-console
    .catch(e => console.error('Error creating shit table', e)); // eslint-disable-line no-console
it should ONLY contain:
module.exports = function (app) {
  return [class name];

4 – Start the app

DEBUG=knex:query npm start ;   ## run the app, optional DEBUG
DEBUG=*                 npm start ;   ## run the app, optional DEBUG

5 -Test the app

DONT USE “PUT”, USE “PATCH” INSTEAD! Postman: Body—->x-www-form-url-urlencoded to POST (create)

POST: (create)
PATCH: (patch)

POST – One Value&columnTwo=Column Two Value (add new value)
GET – ( get by primary id)
GET – One Value (find by column value)

GET (find) – be sure “Body—>xx-www-form-urlencode” is blank
GET (get) – be sure “Params” is blank
PATCH – be SURE “Params” is blank, only use “Body—>xx-www-form-urlencode”

## a complicated one! ? testerAutoIncr=1 & $select[]=columnTwo & $select[]=columnOne & $sort[columnOne]=-1

## will produce:
## select `columnTwo`, `columnOne`, `tester`.`testerAutoIncr` from `tester` where `testerAutoIncr` = ? order by `columnOne`

## ? col0 = val1 & col1 = val2 & col2 = val3
## will produce:
## WHERE col= ‘val1’ OR col=‘val2’ OR col=‘val3’

### reference:

6 – Create a “before” hook to manipulate the SELECT statement.

feathers “before” hook: [i think that is required by Objection]


    // Use this hook to manipulate incoming or outgoing data.
    // For more information on hooks see:

    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    module.exports = (options = {}) => {
      return async context => {
        context.params.query = {                          // added by mark
          …context.params.query,                         // added by mark
          $select: [‘columnTwo’,‘columnOne’],       // added by mark
          $sort: { ‘columnOne’ : 1 }                        // added by mark
        }                                                                // added by mark
        return context;

or: (much better:)

module.exports = (options = {}) => {
  return async context => {

        const query = context.service.createQuery(context.params) ;

        query    .clear(‘select’)  // remove ALL existing columns from queryBuilder
                .select({ ‘languageNormsName’ : ‘languageNormsName’ } )
                        // or just  .select(‘languageNormsName’)

        context.params.knex = query ;

    return context;
        [i think this is required for knex (not objection]
                        /*  old fashioned way to clear select statements, use ` .clear('select') ` instead!
                        for ( index in query._statements.filter ( val => val['grouping'] === 'columns' ) )
                                        {  query._statements.splice(index,1)   // remove the "default" column selection
                                       } ;


#####################npm init —yes ;
################npm install @feathersjs/feathers —save ;
######### ???????? npm install knex —save ;
############npm install feathers-knex —save ;

Mark Edwards



wordpress wildcard not working

Nov 14, 10:51 AM

problem: forwards to an error page


1) turn OFF vpn

2) cache flush

Mark Edwards



new javascript console commands

Aug 9, 05:31 PM



console.error() and console.warn()

console.count() and console.countReset()

console.time(), console.timeEnd(), and console.timeLog()


Mark Edwards



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